Benefits of EIIS for Financial Advisors
Benefits of EIIS for Financial Advisors
As our team begins to increase engagement with Financial Advisors throughout the country, ahead of our fundraise later this year, its given rise to questions and discussions that we thought we would summarise for you here.
Some of key reasons Advisors consider EIIS (Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme) with BVP is our long Track Record as a Fund Manager in the space, celebrating our 20th year this year. Diversification is core to our offering, across sectors and investing in 6-8 companies within each fund. We are acutely aware that Transparency and Accountability are key for Advisors, you have real time access to the BVP Portal and your client’s’ investments.
As well as our EIIS proposition having to deliver on its mandate, we also understand the importance of a seamless onboarding process for you and your clients, we are Digital First when it comes to our application process whilst also catering for those who prefer a paper based application.
Our EIIS Funds are a unique offering that has the ability to open up New Conversations with your clients base as well as prospective clients. Offering a solution to those who are looking to reduce their tax liability whilst not investing in single company risk and further for clients who have maxed out on their pension contributions, EIIS offers an additional tax relief source for them.
Another discussion which features regularly, is Advisors with ARF Clients where the annual distribution isn’t required for their annual costs/lifestyle. Advisors work with those clients to invest some or all of the distribution with BVP, to avail of the tax relief. Capital Appreciation as well as the Tax Relief is another reason that Advisors invests in BVP funds.
Advisor also benefit from an experienced Investment Team who are accessible and available in supporting the Financial Advisor market. We have put the infrastructure in place to support Advisors in real time, with access to their client information via our Portal. And to complement this we have an Advisor Support Team that work with Advisors throughout the year in terms of support around In Person and Virtual Events for Advisors, separate Events for Advisors and their client base.
We understand the distribution of Tax Certs, so your clients can claim the relief is important to you, timing around this distribution is processed consistently and at the same times each year and we also include these documents via our Portal so they can be accessed any time, appreciating that claims will be processed at different times by different clients. As well as the aforementioned Tax Relief and Diversification, the proposition offers you as an Advisor access to funds with Impact at its core.
We appreciate you taking the time to read this article, we are always keen to discuss EIIS and our proposition further with Advisors and see how we can support your business, feel free to reach out below.